15 Aug, 2020 Sybase Replication Server shuts down due to Insufficient number of threads 0 (0) Sybase Replication Sybase Replication
12 Aug, 2020 How to check if Sybase database is offline 0 (0) Sybase ASE #database offline, #offline, #sybase
9 Aug, 2020 How to Upgrade SYBASE ASE from 12.5 to 15.7 by using Inplace Upgradation. 0 (0) Sybase ASE Sybase database upgrade
9 Aug, 2020 Sybase replication thread down due to cross-database referential constraint 0 (0) Sybase Replication Sybase Replication
3 Aug, 2020 You cannot drop user because user 'testuser' owns grantable privileges and granted them to other users. 0 (0) Sybase ASE #drop user, #sp_dropuser, #sybase
2 Aug, 2020 cannot drop user because user owns objects in database 0 (0) Sybase ASE #drop user, #object ownership