Sybase Rep Agent not coming up
Sybase Replication Sybase error 692Problem Description:
00:0004:00000:00408:2012/01/15 11:42:57.08 server Error: 692, Severity: 20, State: 1
00:0004:00000:00408:2018/01/15 11:42:57.08 server Uninitialized logical page '654321' was read while accessing database 'DB' (4), object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8). Please contact Sybase Technical Support.
00:0004:00000:00408:2018/01/15 11:42:57.08 server Rep Agent Thread for database 'DB' (dbid = 8) terminated abnormally with error. (major 0, minor 92).
Problem Resolution:
Above error generally appears in a replicated environment where you have refreshed the primary database(specially non-prod database) which is involved in replication and due to this rep agent is looking for a wrong page and failing with this error. Follow below steps to resolve the issue.
- Login to Primary Sybase ASE and run below command:
1>use DB
1>dbcc settrunc(ltm,ignore)
- Login to RSSD Data Server and run below command:
1>use RSSD
1>rs_zeroltm ASE,DB
- Login to Primary Sybase ASE and run below command:
1>use DB
1>dbcc settrunc(ltm,valid)
1>sp_start_rep_agent DB
- This error occurs in an replicated environment where you have refreshed the primary database. The Rep Agent is looking for a wrong page.
- You need to do an ltm ignore and rs_zeroltm in the RSSD. Then do an ltm valid. This resets the secondary truncation marker and starts replication from that point onwards.
- During normal processing the rep agent relies on the rep server to tell it where to read from the log. When you disable/enable the secondary truncation point you allow the log to be truncated.
- When you restart the rep agent it obtains a log pointer/page from the rep server and tries to read from said pointer/page. if said page is invalid (e.g, log has been truncated) you get errors similar to what you're seeing above.
- Running rs_zeroltm tells the rep server to throw away the current log pointer that it knows about, and have the rep agent send it a new log pointer. Once the rep server has a new log pointer in hand, processing goes back to normal (i.e. rep agent relies on rep server to tell it where to read from the log).
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