Sybase Rep Agent not starting with Error 9214 and 9261
Sybase Replication Rep Agent not starting, Sybase Error 9214, Sybase Error 9261, Sybase ReplicationProblem Description:
00:0019:00000:01925:2019/04/14 18:18:37.28 server RepAgent(5): Received the following communications error message: Msg 0402062F: ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: internal Client Library error: There is a tds login error. The installed encryption handler returned a status that was not CS_SUCCEED..
00:0019:00000:01925:2019/04/14 18:18:37.28 server Error: 9214, Severity: 16, State: 0
00:0019:00000:01925:2019/04/14 18:18:37.28 server RepAgent(5): Failed to connect to Replication Server. Please check the Replication Server, username, and p
assword specified to sp_config_rep_agent. RepSvr = ASERS, user = ASERS_ra).
00:0019:00000:01925:2019/04/14 18:18:37.28 server Error: 9261, Severity: 20, State: 0
00:0019:00000:01925:2019/04/14 18:18:37.28 server RepAgent(5): This Rep Agent Thread is aborting due to an unrecoverable communications or Replication Server.
Problem Workaround:
1>sp_config_rep_agent ccdr ,net_password_encryption,false
Possible clarification for the above workaround:
It is based on couple of solved cases, which mentions an issue with ASE 15.x rep agents connecting to pre-RS12.6 ESD#9 rep servers. something to do with the older rep servers not being able to work with a rep agent's default
net_password_encryption setting.
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