Bypass recovery for Sybase ASE database
Sybase ASE Sybase bypass recovery 0
Case description : Bypass recovery for Sybase ASE server database. | |
Cause :Database recovery failed during Sybase ASE reboot due to log full issue. | |
Solution:- Perform Bypass Recovery as shown below. 1. Steps to perform before shutting down Login to the Sybase server and note "status" column value of affected database >isql -Uusername –Ppassword –Sservername 1> select status from master..sysdatabases where name = "<database_name>" 2> go 1> sp_configure "allow updates", 1 2> go 1> begin transaction 2> go 1> update master..sysdatabases set status = -32768 where name="<database_name> " 2> go Check that each of the above update commands affected only one row. If more than one row was affected, issue a rollback transaction. Otherwise, commit the transaction and shut down Adaptive Server: 1> commit transaction 2> go 1> shutdown 2> go Note: When you reboot server, the user database for which you have changed the status to -32768, will be bypassed and no recovery will be done on it. 2) Steps to perform after restarting Adaptive Server. 1> use master 2> go 1> online database <database_name> 2> go 1>alter database <database_name> log on <log device>='<size in MB>' 2> go 1> use <database_name> 2> go 1> checkpoint 2> go 1> sp_configure "allow updates", 0 2> go 3) Changing the status of database back to normal. 1> begin transaction 2> go 1> update master..sysdatabases 2> set status = 12 (put "status" value that was captured initially) 3> where name = "<database_name>" 4> go Check that each of the above update commands affected only one row. If more than one row was affected, issue a rollback transaction. Otherwise, commit the transaction and shut down Adaptive Server: 1> commit transaction 2> go 1> shutdown 2> go Once above steps are successfully completed, start Sybase server and check health of database by running below command. 1> sp_helpdb <database_name> 2> go |
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